The IPTechnology Entity is the Promoter of the IPTech International Events, attests its initiatives, commitments, agreements, alliances and collaborations in which it participates and/or subscribes.


IPTech International Events

Reducing the accident rate is an unavoidable objective

According to data from the International Labour Organization (ILO), 2.78 million workers lose their lives due to occupational accidents and diseases. On a daily basis, these figures equate to about 7,500 deaths, with 1,000 caused by workplace accidents and 6,500 by occupational diseases. There are 374 million workplace accidents annually, which shows the need to implement more effective, tangible and universal measures. In this sense, the IPTech International Events aim to publicize new technologies and innovative technical developments, advocating their rapid scalability, promoting non-exclusive, open and universal processes, procedures, standards, systems and/or tools, to make it possible to reduce this scourge.

Source: International Labour Organization

Who are the IPTech International Events for?

The IPTech International Events are conceived as meeting points for groups of professionals committed to Risk Prevention in work environments and emergency care and the regulatory bodies and organizations related to this sector.

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What are the objectives of the IPTech International Events?

These meetings are intended to promote collaboration and the exchange of information, knowledge, and experiences among these professionals to translate into improvements and greater effectiveness in preventive action within their organizations. The aim is to strengthen professionalism and specialization within the sector of Prevention and Protection against occupational risks and emergency care. These Events aim to propose, promote, and encourage specific initiatives, promoting innovation, promoting technologies and standards, publicizing solutions, systems, or tools of general interest, as well as providing the opportunity for networking with experts and leaders in the sector, at the university, institutional level and in the business world.

Why participate in IPTech International Events?

Investing in your talent is the best decision for any organization, especially for those working in critical areas such as Risk Prevention, Emergency Response, and Occupational Wellness. Our events aim to connect you with other professionals who face similar challenges, allowing you to explore different solutions and perspectives and address them. By engaging with our Strategic Network, you can confront these issues together and share valuable insights.

Why are IPTech International Events held once a year in an Andalusian capital?

The primary reason is the overwhelming support from organizations and institutions in the region. From the beginning, they recognized the need for an opportunity presented by an event of this nature. Not only does it serve as a meeting point for this important professional group, but it also promotes and follows up on initiatives to raise awareness of preventive measures in the workplace and emergency response. Furthermore, we strive to enhance our international impact through partnerships with other world capitals.

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Why is the first IPTech International Event held in Seville?

We would like to express our gratitude to all the institutions and organizations, both public and private, that have supported us in organizing this first event. We appreciate their involvement in its realization and promotion, all in line with our main objective: to reduce workplace accidents worldwide through concrete initiatives and their monitoring. Their encouragement has motivated us to ensure the event's continuity and to give it an international presence by partnering with capitals from different countries where we aim to further these goals. It is fitting that this first meeting takes place in the Andalusian capital. Thank you, Seville.

Dear Attendees: I am honored to welcome you to this international event organized by IPTechnology, the University of Seville, in collaboration with the Ministry of Employment of the Regional Government of Andalusia. This meeting focuses on the prevention of occupational risks, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and digitalization as a means to enhance workplace safety. Each year, millions of occupational accidents and illnesses serve as a reminder that safety at work is a fundamental human right recognized by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Beyond the human toll, workplace accidents also represent significant financial costs and business responsibilities. It is essential to invest in technology to reduce these incidents and promote safer work environments. In this initial event of a global series, we will introduce five innovative initiatives that aim to shape the future of occupational risk prevention, with further developments to be discussed in upcoming meetings. Thank you to the professionals, organizations, and companies present here today; together, we can work towards a safer and more sustainable future at work. Welcome to the Law School of the University of Seville, and thank you for being part of this important effort. Best wishes,

Javier Puentes - CEO IPTechnology

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Main Private Sponsor

What makes IPTech International Events different?​

Its initiatives... The goal is to ensure ongoing initiatives aimed at effectively reducing the unacceptable rates of occupational accidents mentioned earlier until they are fully addressed … and starts with five:

efpIP Tech universal and open Digitization Standard

The fundamental element of modern technology, particularly in computing, is the bit, which expands to the concept of digitized data, placing us firmly in the era of metadata. The first initiative from IPTech recommends the adoption of the Electronic Footprints of the efpIP Universal and Open Digitization Standard. This technological solution addresses a wide range of issues associated with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and is readily available to all manufacturers through the Transparency Portal, with no exclusions. This technology provides additional assurance to end users, their prescribers, and the manufacturers offering warranties. The first IPTech initiative emphasizes openness, generality, and non-exclusive compatibility and will be publicly presented at the First Congress, especially for qualified international participants. To facilitate its broader adoption, a Memorandum of Assignment will be proposed.

IP Alliance

Today, the most effective systems for maintaining the computational tracking of data are formed through alliances among large companies. This initiative aims to address a wide range of problems related to personal protective equipment (PPE), focusing on the need for reliability, tracking, and verification. This not only includes the equipment itself but also the services associated with it and beyond. The second IPTech initiative promotes the formation of an international alliance that includes major private companies, particularly in the technology sector. This collaboration, guided by the principles of neutrality upheld by the IPTechnology Entity, facilitates the practical application of emerging technologies utilizing the new Internet. The First Congress will continue to encourage the participation of additional organizations in this initiative.

International agreement on Pan-University cooperation

The most effective way to ensure a successful regulatory translation is signing an International Cooperation Agreement between universities as part of the third IPTech initiative. This long-term partnership can serve as a foundation for further collaboration, both among the universities involved and with third-party private and public organizations. The scope of this initiative focuses on the activities of the IPTechnology Entity, specifically in the areas of Protection and Prevention of Occupational Risks and Emergencies. This agreement can foster research into complex risks that are often overlooked and seek practical solutions. It may also promote the development, funding, protection of investments, and marketing of specialized equipment currently unavailable in the market for various reasons.

Awards for innovation, excellence and research

In the field of Occupational Risk Protection and Prevention, the fourth IPTech initiative aims to promote excellence, innovation, research, and merit through the presentation of awards and scholarships.

United in the defense of the rights of the ORP and Emergency Response Professional

The fifth IPTech initiative focuses on a Collective of Professionals dedicated to occupational safety, risk management, and emergency response. Legislation and regulations in any country must recognize these professionals, considering their experiences, academic achievements, and ideas while ensuring that their suggestions are represented as a Collective. The initiative seeks to build a united community committed to advocating for the rights of these professionals, emphasizing their specialization. The IPTech International Events serve as a neutral meeting point for this cause and the Collective, providing various advantages, including a networking platform with experts and leaders in the field.



It is an Entity whose Main Objective is to save lives through the reduction of occupational accidents...


….and it achieves this by maintaining neutrality and equidistance from all agents in the Occupational Risk Prevention sector.


Its initial developments are non-exclusive and utilize universal, open standards that support specialization.

Conversational Form (English)

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